What’s it like to be White?

Sitting on the couch tonight, Journey casually asked me the following:

J: “So, if the dad who was supposed to be my dad had been
White [She’s adopted], I would be White too, right?”

Me: “Well, it doesn’t always work like that. It’s a mixture of
both your Mom and Dad.”

J: “Oh.”

Me: “Do you wish you were White?”

J; “No, but I wonder what it would be like to be White?”

Me: “That’s a question you should ask your dad.”

Me: “Lee [Journey’s dad and my husband], I think you
better come in the living room for this conversation.”

Lee: “Why?”

Me: “Journey wants to know what it’s like to be White.”

Lee: “Well, that’s a good question.”

Me: “J, what do you think it would be like to be White?”

J: “Well, I would have the same life, but it would be
different. I would be just like my dad. And, if I
wanted to be an astronaut when I grow up, I would
stick with it.”

Stay tuned for the follow-up to this conversation.


Conversation with Journey on the way to camp this morning

Journey: “If I can use my powers for good, I can use them for bad.”

Not sure if I should laugh or be scared….

Wishing Well

Conversation with Journey (August 5, 2014)

Today, Journey threw a few coins into a wishing well,
then turned to me and said, “Mom, guess what I wished for?
I wished that you would fall in love with me.” My response:
“I already have!” Yesterday she wanted me to tell her the
story of how we picked her out at the baby shop. Never a
dull moment at our house!

When school hurts…

Last night, Journey and I were talking about school, and she
said to me: “Mom, my old school didn’t treat Indians very
well. And, when I think about it, it makes me sad.” The
issue Journey was referring to was children dressing up as
Pilgrims and Indians and wearing paper feathers during the
month of November and the celebration/teaching of


Conversation with Journey (August 3, 2014)

Difficult questions from a 4-year old

J: Mom, do real people die?
Me: Yes
J: Not mommies and daddies…
Me: Yes, everybody has to die sometime.
J: I don’t like dying
Me: Me neither
J: Well, how do people come back when they die? Do you blow them up or put batteries in them?
Me: No, it doesn’t work like that

Missing all of those who have passed away too soon.

Outer Space

Last night, Journey informed me that she is no longer planing to be an astronaut. She has decided to be an animal rescuer. For a minute, my heart sank…she’s talked about being a medic astronaut forever. This was a stark reminder that sometimes we have to let go of our own dreams for our children so that they can live out their own dreams.

Girls’ Trip

Conversation with Journey (August 1, 2015)

J: Mom, when are we going to have a girl’s weekend? Just the two of us?
Me: I’m not sure. Where would you like to go?
J: Somewhere we haven’t been. Somewhere we have to fly to. Where haven’t we been?
Me: Lots of places.
J: Well … let’s go somewhere it’s not too hot – not too cold. How about we go to the Goldilocks Zone!

Hugs and Kisses

Conversation with Journey (July 28, 2013)

According to Journey, “shoulders are for hugs and cheeks are for kisses.”

If only adults could embrace this lesson too!


Conversation with Journey (July 26, 2017)

While running errands, Journey and I stopped at Petco. As usual, she wanted to hold the kittens. So, we did. Big mistake on my part – as she ended up begging me to buy her another kitten.

J: But Mom, please can we buy it?

Me: No.

J: Why not?

Me: We already have a cat, two dogs, a fish, and a hamster. If we get any more pets there won’t be any room for us.

J: But please Mommmmmmmmmmmmm

Me: No.

J: Mommmmmmm

Me: Ask your dad. (texts photo to her dad – he responds NO!)

J: But it’s not his decision. It’s your house too…

Me: Yes, but if we bring home another pet your dad will make us live at Petco.

J: But Mom, haven’t you ever wanted something so bad?

Me: Yes, lots of things, but we don’t always get everything we want.

J: But I really want a kitten.

Me: You already have one (Jesse)

J: But she doesn’t like to play with me anymore. She’s not a kitten anymore. I want a kitten.

Me: Journey, all kittens grow up to be cats. That’s how life works.

J: How about we trade Jesse (the cat) in and get this kitten? She’s so cute….

Me: Journey! That’s not how it works. I wanted a baby when we had you, ’cause I really love babies, but you grew up to be a big kid,. How would you feel now if we traded you in for a cute little baby?

J: You wouldn’t do that would you?

Me: …….

J: Mom……..please

Me: You’ll just have to cry it out. We are not getting a kitten.

We leave pet store and Journey continues to cry and plead for the new kitten

Fast forward to today


J: Mom, I’m sorry about how I acted last night.

Mom: Thanks J.

J: But it was all your fault. You should have never taken me to the pet store. How’d you think it would turn out?

Me: Good point.


Note to self– don’t take Journey to the pet store unless I am prepared to buy a kitten!