Conversation with Journey (July 26, 2017)
While running errands, Journey and I stopped at Petco. As usual, she wanted to hold the kittens. So, we did. Big mistake on my part – as she ended up begging me to buy her another kitten.
J: But Mom, please can we buy it?
Me: No.
J: Why not?
Me: We already have a cat, two dogs, a fish, and a hamster. If we get any more pets there won’t be any room for us.
J: But please Mommmmmmmmmmmmm
Me: No.
J: Mommmmmmm
Me: Ask your dad. (texts photo to her dad – he responds NO!)
J: But it’s not his decision. It’s your house too…
Me: Yes, but if we bring home another pet your dad will make us live at Petco.
J: But Mom, haven’t you ever wanted something so bad?
Me: Yes, lots of things, but we don’t always get everything we want.
J: But I really want a kitten.
Me: You already have one (Jesse)
J: But she doesn’t like to play with me anymore. She’s not a kitten anymore. I want a kitten.
Me: Journey, all kittens grow up to be cats. That’s how life works.
J: How about we trade Jesse (the cat) in and get this kitten? She’s so cute….
Me: Journey! That’s not how it works. I wanted a baby when we had you, ’cause I really love babies, but you grew up to be a big kid,. How would you feel now if we traded you in for a cute little baby?
J: You wouldn’t do that would you?
Me: …….
J: Mom……..please
Me: You’ll just have to cry it out. We are not getting a kitten.
We leave pet store and Journey continues to cry and plead for the new kitten
Fast forward to today
J: Mom, I’m sorry about how I acted last night.
Mom: Thanks J.
J: But it was all your fault. You should have never taken me to the pet store. How’d you think it would turn out?
Me: Good point.
Note to self– don’t take Journey to the pet store unless I am prepared to buy a kitten!
I really enjoy your conversations with Journey.